Embracing, Celebrating and Reflecting the WORD
Sermon Titles, Bible Readings, and Devotionals for Sunday
We have a story to tell about God’s saving and reconciling love in Christ, and how the Spirit makes that story more powerful as we live out what we are telling!
For all that was unsettling about the past year plus, technology has opened new avenues of togetherness in reading, exploring, praying, and living scripture. Feeling called to share scripture in many ways and many venues, you are invited to walk together, week by week, as we move toward the scriptures for Sunday worship.
May the Words of our Lord throughout the week prepare our hearts and minds for the blessings of joining together in worship on Sundays!
As God’s story continues, may we embrace, celebrate, and reflect the WORD!
For all that was unsettling about the past year plus, technology has opened new avenues of togetherness in reading, exploring, praying, and living scripture. Feeling called to share scripture in many ways and many venues, you are invited to walk together, week by week, as we move toward the scriptures for Sunday worship.
May the Words of our Lord throughout the week prepare our hearts and minds for the blessings of joining together in worship on Sundays!
As God’s story continues, may we embrace, celebrate, and reflect the WORD!
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 571188, Dallas, TX 75357 Physical Address: 6550 Samuell Blvd., Dallas, TX 75228 214-381-4693 officeadmin@eastminsterdallas .org Sunday Schedule Breakfast: 9 am Church School: 10 am Worship: 11:30 am |