Worship Service for 12/13/2020
At the heart of Christianity is a power that continues to speak to and transform us. What I hear, and continue to hear, is a voice that can crack religious and political convictions open, that advocates for the least qualified, least official, least likely; that upsets the established order and makes a joke of certainty. It proclaims against reason that the hungry will be fed, that those cast down will be raised up, and that all things, including our own failures, are being made new. It offers food without exception to the worthy and unworthy, the messed-up and pious, and then commands everyone to do the same. And this is the voice of the prophet Isaiah still speaking to us!
Welcome to worship of this third Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of joy. Today we are invited to hear the voice of Mary singing joy from her heart, proclaiming hope for generations to come.
Next Sunday our worship will be a service of Lessons and Carols, and we invite all to listen in and join your own voices with song. May our hearts be transformed by the beauty of music and the message of Good News.
Pastor Sherry
At the heart of Christianity is a power that continues to speak to and transform us. What I hear, and continue to hear, is a voice that can crack religious and political convictions open, that advocates for the least qualified, least official, least likely; that upsets the established order and makes a joke of certainty. It proclaims against reason that the hungry will be fed, that those cast down will be raised up, and that all things, including our own failures, are being made new. It offers food without exception to the worthy and unworthy, the messed-up and pious, and then commands everyone to do the same. And this is the voice of the prophet Isaiah still speaking to us!
Welcome to worship of this third Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of joy. Today we are invited to hear the voice of Mary singing joy from her heart, proclaiming hope for generations to come.
Next Sunday our worship will be a service of Lessons and Carols, and we invite all to listen in and join your own voices with song. May our hearts be transformed by the beauty of music and the message of Good News.
Pastor Sherry
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 571188, Dallas, TX 75357 Physical Address: 6550 Samuell Blvd., Dallas, TX 75228 214-381-4693 officeadmin@eastminsterdallas .org Sunday Schedule Breakfast: 9 am Church School: 10 am Worship: 11:30 am |