May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,
that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:5-6
that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:5-6

Join us in person or online for worship this Sunday at 11:30 a.m.
February Sermons and Scriptures
2/2: Jeremiah 1:4-10, Luke 4:21-30; Power to Become: God’s Prophets
2/9: Denise Odom, pulpit guest
2/16: Jeremiah 17:5-10, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Power to Become: God’s Fruit
2/23: Genesis 45:3-11, 15, Luke 6:27-38; Power to Become: God’s Character
Here is the link to Eastminster's live streaming of the Sunday Worship Service
February Sermons and Scriptures
2/2: Jeremiah 1:4-10, Luke 4:21-30; Power to Become: God’s Prophets
2/9: Denise Odom, pulpit guest
2/16: Jeremiah 17:5-10, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Power to Become: God’s Fruit
2/23: Genesis 45:3-11, 15, Luke 6:27-38; Power to Become: God’s Character
Here is the link to Eastminster's live streaming of the Sunday Worship Service
Stewardship Campaign 2025
And without faith it is impossible to please God Hebrews 11:6 |
About Us
We believe that Jesus Christ came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us, and we continue to celebrate that love through praise, sacraments, service, and community. |
Get Involved
Our parish offers a wide range of ministry opportunities. Whether you'd like to learn more, pray more, or serve more, we have a ministry for you. |
Support Us
Making an offering of your financial resources is an integral part of what it means to be a Christian. We have a variety of ways to make it easy for you to support our church. |
News & Events
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 571188, Dallas, TX 75357 Physical Address: 6550 Samuell Blvd., Dallas, TX 75228 214-381-4693 officeadmin@eastminsterdallas .org Sunday Schedule Breakfast: 9 am Church School: 10 am Worship: 11:30 am |