Weddings Overview
A wedding in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation is considered to be a service of worship. Therefore the Presbyterian convictions about worship come into play. These convictions are certainly not the only way to worship, nor do we even claim they are the best way. They are simply our way. Generally speaking that means that God is central in all of our acts, the Word is instructive, and people play a vital role in the service. In weddings at Eastminster, the congregation is invited to participate through the hymns, psalms, and prayers. The primary officiant at a wedding is, ordinarily, the installed Pastor of Eastminster Presbyterian Church and, according to our Book of Order, the service is under the sole direction of that officiating Minister. Other Ministers may be invited and are graciously welcomed to assist the primary officiant in the service. The form of the service is based upon the Book of Common Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). A sample worship bulletin showing the framework of this service is available from the church office. To adequately lead the service, the church keyboard musician or someone secured by the church is ordinarily the primary musician for the service. Fees for the use of this staff member are assessed based upon the “going rate.” This fee is listed on the Building Reservation Form. Music included in the service should be appropriate to any service of Presbyterian worship. Vocal music is chosen so that its text reflects an awareness of God who is the Source of all life and love, and/or the images of life and love expressed are consistent with a Presbyterian understanding of Holy Scripture. Instrumental music should reflect the distinct nature of a service of worship. Music need not be limited to that which is “traditional” in nature, nor is it limited to organ or piano. All music is offered by people who are part of the service, and therefore recorded music or accompaniment is not appropriate in this service. (Music of a purely secular nature is inappropriate in our understanding of the wedding service. This includes those pieces that have in former days been known as the “traditional” processional and recessional. We suggest that the wedding reception may be an alternative place where such music, which might not otherwise be appropriate in the wedding service itself, could be used.) Decorations used in the sanctuary are not to be unduly elaborate—certainly not obscure the symbolism of the sanctuary itself. General guidelines may be found in the building Covenant of Agreement. Photography of the wedding provides an important record of the events. But the wedding must not be dominated by the mechanics of photographic or video record. Specific regulations for photography will be provided for those who wish to use Eastminster’s facilities for a wedding. Members of Eastminster Presbyterian Church desiring to use the facilities for their wedding should complete the Building Reservation Form for members. |
Information for Non-members
The nature of the design of our church sanctuary has made it a setting where many who are not a part of the Eastminster family have envisioned their wedding. Those who are not members of Eastminster are welcomed—not merely tolerated—but welcomed to share our church “home.” We serve a gracious God, and we want our welcome to reflect that same graciousness. The fees that are charged non-members for the use of the building do not, in our own understanding, constitute a rental of space (as one rents a room at the Holiday Inn). The members of the Eastminster family have paid for the construction and maintenance of these facilities in their regular giving as tithes and offerings which are received at each Sunday service. These fees simply give non-members the same opportunity as members to have a part in the maintenance and care of these facilities. You become, in a sense, a “temporary part of the family.” In sharing our church home, we ask only that you also be willing to share our family traditions as well. Whatever happens within our home reflects upon our own values and beliefs as a congregation. One’s wedding is one of the most important moments in life. It should fit the desires of those who are being married and should provide happy memories. If those desires and memories may be accomplished within the framework of the family traditions of this congregation, then we are happy to discuss being a part of it. For a complete overview, we encourage you to review the Building Covenant of Agreement, and sample Order of Worship. Should you decide that Eastminster is the place for your wedding, please complete the Building Reservation Form for non-members and the church office will schedule the required consultations with the Minister. |
For Wedding Photographers
It is the responsibility of those employing a wedding photographer to assure that a copy of these notes is in his/her hand and the principles agreed to prior to the wedding day. First of all, let us say that you are most welcome to this celebration at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. Your good work will provide the visual memories of one of the most significant events in the life of two people. We realize also that your livelihood is based upon your work at events such as this. Weddings at Eastminster are considered to be a service of worship. Priorities associated with worship are not contradictory to your priorities in pursuing your livelihood, but may take different directions. We want to do everything we can to be gracious hosts to everyone and to work in harmony together. In establishing the following guidelines, we are not trying to be unduly restrictive, but please understand that they, like most “rules and regulations,” grow out of prior experience.
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 571188, Dallas, TX 75357 Physical Address: 6550 Samuell Blvd., Dallas, TX 75228 214-381-4693 officeadmin@eastminsterdallas .org Sunday Schedule Breakfast: 9 am Church School: 10 am Worship: 11:30 am |