Worship Service for 2/14/2021
The mountain top, the shining face, the glowing clothes, the voice of God speaking from the cloud, the commandments etched in stone. Sometimes God shows up in ways we cannot deny, in a place we can go, a light we can see, a voice we can hear, a stone we can touch. Sometimes. Sometimes there is the veil the overshadowing, terrifying cloud, the questions, the appearing and disappearing, the excitement, the wondering, the silence. Sometimes God shows up in ways we cannot deny. Always God shows up!
*I continue to be grateful for all who help bring these worship service to life and to you us. Thank you Fred, Chandra, Tony, and this week, thank you Kelleher family for serving as worship leaders.
*The Re-Entry Task Force continues to meet and pray about the return to worship in the sanctuary. Keep in prayer Denise Bennett, Vicki Cook, Michele Pappas, Kathy Kreger, as well as the members of session as discussions and recommendations come to them. Please continue to practice safety and caution, maintaining your health and the health of others.
*Even as we pray for all whose lives on earth have ended, we give thanksgiving and offer prayers for all new life waiting to enter this world. Keep parent and child in your care, Lord.
*Our prayers run deep for all who suffered injury, trauma and loss of life during the Ft Worth accident. We continue to be thank-filled for all first responders who run to the aid of others.
*For our country and world as we continue to stare the virus in the face. May those who desire to be vaccinated find the means to do so and may we all continue practicing measures that will move us back to some sense of normalcy.
*Please keep in prayer Barbara Arnett, Leecia Arnett, and the Eaton family. Barbara is the younger sister of Nathan Eaton. Brad is her son and Leecia is Brad’s wife. Brad had a lifelong history of kidney problems and had been hospitalized since November. Following multiple infections, the decision was made to remove Brad from the ventilator and he passed away Friday night.
Author of Salvation, write into our hearts a new way of life, a way that we learn to live for others and not for ourselves. Write into our hearts the memories of your faithfulness so that when we are afraid, we can step out in faith even while trembling. Write into our hearts the promise of new life now, and eternal life to come. In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen
The mountain top, the shining face, the glowing clothes, the voice of God speaking from the cloud, the commandments etched in stone. Sometimes God shows up in ways we cannot deny, in a place we can go, a light we can see, a voice we can hear, a stone we can touch. Sometimes. Sometimes there is the veil the overshadowing, terrifying cloud, the questions, the appearing and disappearing, the excitement, the wondering, the silence. Sometimes God shows up in ways we cannot deny. Always God shows up!
*I continue to be grateful for all who help bring these worship service to life and to you us. Thank you Fred, Chandra, Tony, and this week, thank you Kelleher family for serving as worship leaders.
*The Re-Entry Task Force continues to meet and pray about the return to worship in the sanctuary. Keep in prayer Denise Bennett, Vicki Cook, Michele Pappas, Kathy Kreger, as well as the members of session as discussions and recommendations come to them. Please continue to practice safety and caution, maintaining your health and the health of others.
*Even as we pray for all whose lives on earth have ended, we give thanksgiving and offer prayers for all new life waiting to enter this world. Keep parent and child in your care, Lord.
*Our prayers run deep for all who suffered injury, trauma and loss of life during the Ft Worth accident. We continue to be thank-filled for all first responders who run to the aid of others.
*For our country and world as we continue to stare the virus in the face. May those who desire to be vaccinated find the means to do so and may we all continue practicing measures that will move us back to some sense of normalcy.
*Please keep in prayer Barbara Arnett, Leecia Arnett, and the Eaton family. Barbara is the younger sister of Nathan Eaton. Brad is her son and Leecia is Brad’s wife. Brad had a lifelong history of kidney problems and had been hospitalized since November. Following multiple infections, the decision was made to remove Brad from the ventilator and he passed away Friday night.
Author of Salvation, write into our hearts a new way of life, a way that we learn to live for others and not for ourselves. Write into our hearts the memories of your faithfulness so that when we are afraid, we can step out in faith even while trembling. Write into our hearts the promise of new life now, and eternal life to come. In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 571188, Dallas, TX 75357 Physical Address: 6550 Samuell Blvd., Dallas, TX 75228 214-381-4693 officeadmin@eastminsterdallas .org Sunday Schedule Breakfast: 9 am Church School: 10 am Worship: 11:30 am |