Worship Service for 7/5/2020
Come all who are weary of wealth, of poverty, of power, of struggle, of division. Come all who are heavy-laden with too much, with too little, with anxiety, with fear, with anger. Come all who have hope for liberation, for peace, for freedom, for the kingdom. Hear these words from our Lord: Come to me, and I will give you rest.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we welcome you to worship this Sunday at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Dallas. While we may be physically distanced from one another, our hearts remain open and close to all who need a reminder of the power, wisdom, and love of the Lord. If you find yourself in need of prayer-member, friend, or guest-we invite you to send a note to our email which can be found on our website at www.eastminsterdallas.org
WE ALSO INVITE YOU to celebrate drive-through Holy Communion and Blessings with us next Sunday, July 12 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Our address is 6550 Samuell Boulevard. Cars will be directed to enter and exit the parking lot on the west side (Gallion Drive) of the building. Elders, wearing masks and gloves, will provide each person in the automobile pre-packaged communion elements that will have been blessed in the worship service. You will be sent out into the world with God’s blessing. We are missing one another, and while our greatest desire is to be gathered together again, we continue to trust that, through the guiding of the Holy Spirit, we are providing the safest means of offering a wave, a hello or a virtual hug through social media and opportunities like this DRIVE THROUGH COMMUNION. This is a holy meal; indeed, it is also a joyful feast. Whether you share bread and cup at home or join us in the parking lot, together we remember the saving grace of our Lord and look forward to his coming again.
The Session of Eastminster approved a revised plan for Re-Enter to In-Person Worship. You can find this information on our website also. A word of thanksgiving to the Re-Entry Task Force who has been meeting weekly and continues to hold each of us in prayer as we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Vicki Cook, for serving as our liturgist and helping lead us in worship during this 4th of July weekend. Fred and Chandra may the Spirit of strength and perseverance be with you as you continue to keep the office and worship accessible to us all. And thank you to all who are working behind the scenes to keep our ministries going and the building in good repair!
Prayers for Sylvia and Tom Falcon as Sylvia is hospitalized, the result of a stroke and brain bleed, and as Tom must wait from afar for information.
Vicki and Lewis Thiebaud continue to hold on to strength and faith as Lewis’ chemotherapy is ongoing.
We keep Randy, Vicki Thiebaud’s brother, in prayer as they are still seeking answers for unexplained illnesses.
We are grateful for the success and recovery for Cindy Garrett following surgery for the removal of a benign polyp.
This good news from Julie Karlen as she continues with a trial cancer treatment: The medicine is doing as it designed and the tumor has shrunk from 15mm down to 8mm.
As we have given thanksgiving for this country, for those whose dedication brought us freedom, and to all who seek to continue working toward freedom and justice for all, hear the prayers of our hearts:
O God, our ruler and our guide, in whose hands are the destinies of this and every nation, we give you thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this land and for those who laid down their lives to defend them.
Gratefully remembering the courage and sacrifice of all who have been on the forefront of guiding principles of freedom and to all who have defended them, we pray that you continue to grace them with a spirit of justice, generosity and peace.
We know where our true freedom rests, in you, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. You sustain all life, give bread to all who need it, and hear the calls of the poor. You alone are all powerful and the rightful ruler of the nations, and you are the provider of safety and security.
We ask that, as you have graciously provided for us and our needs, may you provide for those who call to you in despair and dire need. Grant them their daily bread these coming days.
teach us all to rely on your strength and to accept our responsibilities to one another, that we may elect trustworthy leaders, who along with us, make wise decisions for the well-being of our society. For yours is the kingdom, O Lord,and you are exalted as head above all. Amen.
Pastor Sherry
Come all who are weary of wealth, of poverty, of power, of struggle, of division. Come all who are heavy-laden with too much, with too little, with anxiety, with fear, with anger. Come all who have hope for liberation, for peace, for freedom, for the kingdom. Hear these words from our Lord: Come to me, and I will give you rest.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we welcome you to worship this Sunday at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Dallas. While we may be physically distanced from one another, our hearts remain open and close to all who need a reminder of the power, wisdom, and love of the Lord. If you find yourself in need of prayer-member, friend, or guest-we invite you to send a note to our email which can be found on our website at www.eastminsterdallas.org
WE ALSO INVITE YOU to celebrate drive-through Holy Communion and Blessings with us next Sunday, July 12 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Our address is 6550 Samuell Boulevard. Cars will be directed to enter and exit the parking lot on the west side (Gallion Drive) of the building. Elders, wearing masks and gloves, will provide each person in the automobile pre-packaged communion elements that will have been blessed in the worship service. You will be sent out into the world with God’s blessing. We are missing one another, and while our greatest desire is to be gathered together again, we continue to trust that, through the guiding of the Holy Spirit, we are providing the safest means of offering a wave, a hello or a virtual hug through social media and opportunities like this DRIVE THROUGH COMMUNION. This is a holy meal; indeed, it is also a joyful feast. Whether you share bread and cup at home or join us in the parking lot, together we remember the saving grace of our Lord and look forward to his coming again.
The Session of Eastminster approved a revised plan for Re-Enter to In-Person Worship. You can find this information on our website also. A word of thanksgiving to the Re-Entry Task Force who has been meeting weekly and continues to hold each of us in prayer as we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Vicki Cook, for serving as our liturgist and helping lead us in worship during this 4th of July weekend. Fred and Chandra may the Spirit of strength and perseverance be with you as you continue to keep the office and worship accessible to us all. And thank you to all who are working behind the scenes to keep our ministries going and the building in good repair!
Prayers for Sylvia and Tom Falcon as Sylvia is hospitalized, the result of a stroke and brain bleed, and as Tom must wait from afar for information.
Vicki and Lewis Thiebaud continue to hold on to strength and faith as Lewis’ chemotherapy is ongoing.
We keep Randy, Vicki Thiebaud’s brother, in prayer as they are still seeking answers for unexplained illnesses.
We are grateful for the success and recovery for Cindy Garrett following surgery for the removal of a benign polyp.
This good news from Julie Karlen as she continues with a trial cancer treatment: The medicine is doing as it designed and the tumor has shrunk from 15mm down to 8mm.
As we have given thanksgiving for this country, for those whose dedication brought us freedom, and to all who seek to continue working toward freedom and justice for all, hear the prayers of our hearts:
O God, our ruler and our guide, in whose hands are the destinies of this and every nation, we give you thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this land and for those who laid down their lives to defend them.
Gratefully remembering the courage and sacrifice of all who have been on the forefront of guiding principles of freedom and to all who have defended them, we pray that you continue to grace them with a spirit of justice, generosity and peace.
We know where our true freedom rests, in you, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. You sustain all life, give bread to all who need it, and hear the calls of the poor. You alone are all powerful and the rightful ruler of the nations, and you are the provider of safety and security.
We ask that, as you have graciously provided for us and our needs, may you provide for those who call to you in despair and dire need. Grant them their daily bread these coming days.
teach us all to rely on your strength and to accept our responsibilities to one another, that we may elect trustworthy leaders, who along with us, make wise decisions for the well-being of our society. For yours is the kingdom, O Lord,and you are exalted as head above all. Amen.
Pastor Sherry
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 571188, Dallas, TX 75357 Physical Address: 6550 Samuell Blvd., Dallas, TX 75228 214-381-4693 officeadmin@eastminsterdallas .org Sunday Schedule Breakfast: 9 am Church School: 10 am Worship: 11:30 am |